Mortgage rates fell 18 bps, but that’s of little solace to homebuyers

Mortgage rates fell to 6.78%, the biggest weekly drop since mid-March, but depleted levels of inventory means it's little overall relief for homebuyers.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 21, 2023

MBA: “We oppose a SIFI designation of any IMB servicer”

The letter from MBA comes after the Biden administration signaled a desire for stronger oversight of nonbank firms late last year, releasing a proposal in April.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 21, 2023

How the Basel Endgame could impact the mortgage market 

Rumored changes to banks' capital requirements for mortgages could result in higher rates, volume shifting to nonbanks and a reduced appetite for MSRs, executives, analysts and trade groups said.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 21, 2023

Q1 2023: Real estate team benchmarking shows strong performance

Real estate teams of all sizes continue to perform, according the Streamlined Quarterly Team Benchmarking Report/

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 21, 2023