Who is Tim Scott? Where does he stand on LGBTQ rights?

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) is an evangelical Protestant who opposes what he considers Democrats’ politics of “victimhood” and “despair.” He has spoken about his vision of “a new American sunrise” and may have presidential ambitions.

Tim Scott At a Glance
  • Location: North Charleston, South Carolina
  • Party Affiliation: Republican
  • Race/Ethnicity: African-American
  • Gender Identity: Male
  • Sexual Orientation: Straight
  • Pronouns: He/His
  • LGBTQ+ Ally: No
Social Media
  • Facebook: Tim Scott
  • Twitter: @SenatorTimScott
  • Instagram: @SenatorTimScott
  • YouTube: Senator Tim Scott
  • Website: VoteTimScott.com

After attending Presbyterian College for one year on a partial football scholarship, he graduated from Charleston Southern University in 1988 with a bachelor’s degree in political science. After college, he worked as a financial adviser and insurance agent in the company he founded, Tim Scott Allstate.

In 1995, he won a seat on the Charleston County Council. In 1996, he ran a failed campaign for a South Carolina state senate seat. In 2000, he ran a successful re-election campaign for a seat on the Charleston County Council. He became the council’s chairman in 2007 and served on the council until 2009.

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In 2008, Scott won a seat in the South Carolina House of Representatives. In 2010, Scott won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. In 2012, he won re-election to the House and, in 2013, was appointed by South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) to the U.S. Senate to replace retiring Sen. Jim DeMint (R). He was re-elected to the seat again in 2014, 2016, and 2022.

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During his time in the Senate, he served on the Committees for Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Finance; Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; Small Business and Entrepreneurship; Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Energy and Natural Resources; and Armed Services.

Scott’s stance on LGBTQ+ issues

Scott supported the military ban on out LGB military members known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” He also considers homosexuality “a morally wrong choice, like adultery,” according to Newsweek.

Same-sex marriage

Scott has consistently opposed federal recognition of same-sex marriage and believes that state laws on marriage should supersede federal law.

In November 2022, he was one of 21 Republican senators who signed a letter encouraging Republicans to oppose the congressional same-sex marriage bill, The Respect for Marriage Act, unless it contained a provision allowing anti-LGBTQ discrimination against queer couples and restraining government officials from intervening to stop it.

Same-sex couples’ right to adopt

In 2021, Scott introduced the “Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act” which would’ve prohibited any states receiving federal funds from excluding anti-LGBTQ+ adoption agencies and foster care organizations from participating in state-run child-welfare programs. This act signals support for agencies that oppose same-sex adoption.

Trans children in sports

In September 2022, Scott introduced the Parental Rights Over the Education and Care of Their Kids Act (the PROTECT Kids Act) which proposed cutting federal funding to any schools that allow transgender students to use locker room facilities matching their gender identity. This suggests he opposes trans participation in sports teams matching their gender identities.

His PROTECT Kids Act would also withhold federal funds from any elementary and middle schools that allow trans students to use a different name, pronoun, or restroom rather than those matching the name and gender they were assigned at birth. Any school that wishes to make these accommodations for trans students would first require consent from a student’s parents.

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In a September 20, 2022 tweet mentioning his PROTECT Kids Act, Scott wrote, “Schools exist to educate children — not indoctrinate them. I introduced the PROTECT Kids Act to safeguard parental rights and ensure that children can learn in an environment free of indoctrination.”

While his PROTECT Kids Act doesn’t specifically mention the issue of LGBTQ+ content in schools, many right-wing politicians have claimed that LGBTQ+ content in classrooms is a form of “indoctrination.”

Discrimination protections

In 2013, Scott was one of 32 Republican senators who voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). This bill would’ve explicitly added sexual orientation and gender identity to the groups protected in federal law from workplace discrimination. ENDA would’ve forbidden workplaces from firing or denying benefits and promotions to employees due to their LGBTQ+ identities.

In 2018, he supported The First Amendment Defense Act, which would’ve prevented “the federal government from taking adverse action against individuals or institutions based on their definition of marriage or beliefs about premarital sex.”

Scott has said that state governments’ refusal to work with anti-LGBTQ+ adoption agencies was evidence that “religious freedoms are under assault.” He has supported the right of anti-LGBTQ+ individuals, organizations, nonprofits, and other entities to discriminate against same-sex couples without facing any governmental consequences.

Scott’s career
  • Graduated from Charleston Southern University in 1988
  • Worked as a financial adviser and insurance agent
  • Served on the Charleston County Council from 1995 to 2007
  • Ran a failed campaign for a South Carolina state senate seat in 1996
  • Elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives in 2008
  • Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010 and 2012
  • Appointed to U.S. Senate in 2013. Re-elected in 2014, 2016, and 2022
In conclusion

Scott has consistently opposed same-sex marriage, LGBTQ+ non-discrimination protections, and school accommodations for transgender students.

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Originally posted on: https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/03/who-is-tim-scott-where-does-he-stand-on-lgbtq-rights/