Villagers rally around gay couple targeted by homophobes in moving display of solidarity

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Dozens of villagers rallied around a gay couple after they were sent vile homophobic abuse.

Nathan Jones and Daniel Cooper have been targeted with disgusting homophobic abuse and threats ever since they bought their local Post Office in New Longton, Lancashire in January.

Even the simple act of handing a Pride flag over the garage next to the shop sparked bigoted harassment, with the couple receiving a disturbing anonymous card berating them.

“Get that revolting flag down,” the cowardly author wrote. “This is a Christian village and children pass by. What kind of morons are you?”

It was the last straw for local residents, who decided to stage a rally outside of the Post Office in support of the couple on Tuesday (28 June).

New Longton residents out in a Pride march in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ communityNew Longton residents out in a Pride march in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ communityNew Longton residents out in force in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community (Facebook)

New Longton local Chris Wilson, who organised the rally, told PinkNews that he felt compelled to act after hearing about the “hatred” the couple had been sent.

“I knew I wanted to be involved in trying to rectify the hatred and blatant homophobia that had been aimed at Nathan and Daniel,” he said.

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“I’m not a political person, I’m not a religious person but I am a person who cares, I am a proud gay man, that will stand shoulder to shoulder with anyone regardless of sexuality, gender, race or religion to show that love wins, love will always win.”

Villagers braved the rain armed with Pride flags to show their unwavering solidarity for the couple and any LGBTQ+ resident in the area.

New Longton residents waving LGBTQ+ flags in the local pubNew Longton residents waving LGBTQ+ flags in the local pubNew Longton residents waving LGBTQ+ flags in the local pub (Facebook) More from PinkNews

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Kirsty Taylor, who works with the couple, told the Lancashire Post: “It’s 2022 for pity’s sake, not 1950. They are lovely lads and they don’t deserve to be treated like this

“Nathan and Daniel have had a bit of abuse for a few different things, but this latest attack is just appalling. I couldn’t believe it and neither can lots of people who come into the shop.”

Cooper and Jones told the Lancashire Post they were “overwhelmed” by the support.

“Words can’t describe how we feel at the kindness everyone has shown,” Cooper added.

Despite being unable to physically attend the event, Farington East councillor Paul Wharton-Hardman told PinkNews that “the huge turnout clearly demonstrates the feeling of the community”.

“There are people out there who feel able just to be vile to others on the assumed basis of who they are and who they love,” he continued. “This huge display of solidarity with Nathan and Daniel shows that there is no place for homophobia in our community.”

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