Trans man hijacks microphone at anti-trans rally & calls attendees “f**king TERFs”

A young transgender man hijacked an anti-trans rally led by transphobic activist Posie Parker, seizing the microphone, calling the attendees a bunch of f**king TERFs,” and trying to sabotage the microphone before he was stopped by Parker and others.

At the May 14 “Let Women Speak” event in Birmingham, England, the unnamed trans man dishonestly told organizers that he was a “de-transitioner,” someone who has stopped medically transitioning. Parker and other transphobic activists platform de-transitioners to argue in favor of banning gender-affirming medical care. De-transitioners only represent up to 3% of the entire trans community, and most trans people are happy with their medical transitions, according to a 2015 survey by the National Center for Transgender Equality.

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The woman interrupted Lilly Contino’s meal to tell her she was a TERF and, for some reason, to let her know she was not a witch.

The man approached the mic and said, “I’m very nervous… I have come to here to say a few things from a person who has experienced delusionary trans thought. To de-transitioners, those that have experienced fear and doubt, you are loved within this community. You have a place to go to.”

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“Please do not join this f**king cult,” he continued, to the cheers of the audience. “This cult took years of my life due to stress and threats, my well-being from bad faith actors who told me to hate myself for who I was, but we won’t be silenced.”

The man told Pink News that he tried to be vague in order to stay on the microphone for as long as possible. His tone then changed as he said, “No matter what follows I am… I am a f**king trans man. Yeah, and all of you are f**king TERFs, aren’t you? Yeah, yeah.”

TERF is an acronym for “trans-exclusionary radical feminists,” a term for people who deny trans identities and civil rights.

The man then began to unscrew the head of the microphone to sabotage it. Parker, who wore a magenta jumpsuit and white sunglasses, walked up and repeatedly told the man, “No,” as he continued unscrewing the mic. Then, numerous others walked up to stop him as Parker said, “You get your f**king hands off of it right now!”

JUST NOW: A trans activist was given a platform at Standing For Women, an event critical of gender ideology in Birmingham, after lying about being a detransitioner.

The activist ended by calling the crowd "f*cking TERFs," and attempting to sabotage the mic.

— REDUXX (@ReduxxMag) May 14, 2023

The man told the aforementioned publication, “The group crushed my hands, and arms, and left me with small cuts from the force they went in on me.” He said that he has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and Nail Pattela syndrome, two painful medical conditions that can increase one’s likelihood of physical injuries.

As the man left the event, Parker regained the mic and told the audience, “If that isn’t an advertisement for why you shouldn’t try transition, girls — f**kin’ ‘ell.” She then told the man, “Bye! Take your manly f**kin’ body and f**k off. Go away!”

“Parker then misgendered the speaker, calling them “very confused,” and saying that they had “taken some disruptive damaging hormones and removed her breasts.”

“We all have more compassion for her than she does genuinely for herself,” Parker said of the speaker. “But while she’s in the cult, we cannot be persuaded to think that what she says about how she feels about her body is true. She is deluded. She is a member of a pernicious, body-mutilating cult… [We] recognize a very disturbed young woman who needs love and compassion and support. Just not today.”

Parker’s “Let Women Speak” tour has traveled through the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. Her rally in Melbourne, Australia was joined by neo-Nazis who did Nazi salutes from the steps of the Victoria Capitol building. At another tour stop, Parker was doused with tomato juice by trans allies and fled the event soon after. Trans people and allies also helped shut down a transphobic event Parker tried to hold in New York City in 2022.

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