Rightwing pundit says George Santos “nightmare” happened because he’s “an-out-the-closet gay person”

Right-wing media personality Gina Loudon believes the mess caused by Rep. George Santos (R-NY) stems from the fact that he was out as gay when he ran for office.

While speaking on the right-wing news network Real America’s Voice, Loudon declared she was “just going to say what many out there are thinking.”

Related: House Republicans introduce resolution to give George Santos the boot

His fellow New York Republicans are trying to get him removed from Congress.

“This is a great lesson in identity politics,” she said. “We get overzealous for somebody because of a specific trait that they can’t control, right, that God gave them, or whatever. And we decide oh it needs to be this person because of that.”

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Loudon appeared to be saying that Republicans only voted for Santos because he’s gay, and that Santos himself campaigned on that fact. In reality, Santos’s sexuality was not the center of his campaign and was overshadowed by his support of anti-LGBTQ+ and other conservative policies, along with the litany of lies he told about his own education, professional history, and family, almost none of which had to do with sexuality.

But Loudon was adamant Santos’s sexuality is what confused the Republican party – which is notoriously anti-LGBTQ+ – into blindly supporting him.

“We need to be really careful about that,” she said. “George Santos was an out-of-the-closet gay person. We have many wonderful, good friends, of course, with many on our side who are gay, but they don’t run on that.”

“Because if you’re going to run on that, then I’m questioning what’s really going on inside of you, why you don’t just run on, well, what Dr. Martin Luther King said, right? The content of your character should be what it’s all about. With George Santos, it was never that. There was no content in his character. Therefore, he was running on his identity.”

She went on to say his story should act as a cautionary tale “to every Republican out there who gets all excited about somebody because of identity politics.”

“It’s a nightmare,” she said.

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Yesterday, six Republican Congressmembers filed a resolution to expel Santos from the House just as federal prosecutors added ten charges to his indictment related to more alleged fraudulent schemes to enrich himself.

The new charges accuse him of fraudulently charging tens of thousands of dollars to his own donors’ credit cards, faking a $500,000 loan to his own campaign, and filing false campaign finance reports reflecting fake contributions from real people who didn’t give their permission.

He now faces a total of 23 federal fraud and financial charges. 

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Originally posted on: https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/10/rightwing-pundit-says-george-santos-nightmare-happened-because-hes-an-out-the-closet-gay-person/