Mike Johnson says God told him he’s Moses while getting award at hate-filled gala

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) spoke at an anti-LGBTQ+ event this past Tuesday where other speakers compared homosexuality to pedophilia and told people not to use the word “gay” because there is “nothing happy” about “being a homosexual.” Johnson received an award for his “honor and courage” at the event.

And, during his speech, he explained how God told him that he is the new Moses.

Related: Mike Johnson “applauds” efforts to make gay marriage & sodomy illegal again

Just last year, he said, “What Justice Thomas is calling for is not radical.”

Johnson talked about the long process to choose a new speaker of the House at a gala organized by the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL), an extremist anti-LGBTQ+ organization run by Jason Rapert, who believes that Democrats want to make America “Sodom and Gomorrah.”

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Johnson said that God told him that he would have a role in the process of picking a new speaker after far-right Republicans voted to remove Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as speaker.

“The Lord impressed upon my heart a few weeks before this happened that something was going to occur,” he claimed. “And the Lord very specifically told me in my prayers to prepare, but to wait.”

 “[God] had been speaking to me about this, and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready.”

Johnson said that God would wake him up in the middle of the night after McCarthy was removed from the speakership “to speak to me, to write things down, plans, procedures, and ideas on how we could pull the conference together.”

“At the time, I assumed the Lord was going to choose a new Moses, and thank you, Lord, you’re going to allow me to be Aaron to Moses,” he continued, referring to the biblical Aaron. God told Aaron to assist Moses, according to the Bible. Aaron is seen as the first High Priest of the Israelites and the founder of the Israelite priesthood.

“The Lord kept telling me to wait, wait, wait, wait,” Johnson said about the time when Republicans were unable to select a new speaker. “Then at the end, when it was toward the end, the Lord said, ‘Now, step forward.'”

“Me? I’m supposed to be Aaron,” he said. “No, the Lord said, ‘Step forward.’”

Johnson thanked the NACL at the beginning of his speech for banning media from the event, saying that his comments would be taken out of context. But Rapert still posted a livestream of the event to Facebook, defeating the purpose of banning the media.

At that gala, NACL gave Johnson their American Patriot Award for Christian Honor and Courage. Other speakers demonized LGBTQ+ people, including hate pastor E.W. Jackson, as Right Wing Watch noted. He told the audience not to use the words “gay” and “transgender.”

“I would suggest to you that we start examining even our vocabulary,” he said. “I refuse to use the word ‘gay,’ because to be gay means to be happy, to be joyful, to be carefree, and there is nothing happy, joyful, or carefree about being a homosexual in rebellion against almighty God.”

“I refuse to use the term ‘transgender,’ because I don’t care how much make up a man puts on or how many men’s clothes a woman puts on, you cannot transition from being a man to a woman or a woman to a man! God made you who you are when he gave you your genetic blueprint and that’s who you’ll be for the rest of your life!”

Anti-LGBTQ+ televangelist Andrew Wommack – who once said that gay people should be forced to wear warning labels on their foreheads to tell everyone their sexuality – was also at the gala. He compared homosexuality and trans identity to pedophilia and called LGBTQ+ people “demonic.”

“I am not against homosexuals, but it is not a godly lifestyle,” he said. “We don’t have to stand up and say that you have a right to be this way, you have a right to practice pedophilia, you have right to choose to try and change your sex. Those things are demonic.”

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Originally posted on: https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/12/mike-johnson-says-god-told-him-hes-moses-while-getting-award-at-hate-filled-gala/