Lesbian councilwoman sticks it to Ron DeSantis by hosting a drag show victory party

On Tuesday, out lesbian Patty Sheehan celebrated winning her seventh term on the Orlando City Council with a performance by drag queen Darcel Stevens at her victory party.

While surely in part just for fun, the move was also likely a way to stick it to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and the rest of the Florida GOP, who have spent the past several years demonizing drag queens and the rest of the LGBTQ+ community.

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Journalist Jacob Ogles wrote on X that Sheehan’s first words to him on their phone call post-victory were: “I’m ecstatic, and yes I had a drag queen at my victory party.”

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Got off the phone with Patty Sheehan. First words.
"I'm ecstatic, and yes I had a drag queen at my victory party."

— Jacob Ogles (@jacobogles) November 8, 2023

Sheehan’s win makes her the longest-serving elected official in Orlando history – and it was far from a close call. She won 64.4% of the vote against opponents Katie Koch (25.6%) and gay Trump supporter Randy Ross (10.0%).

“They threw all the negative nonsense they could at me,” Sheehan said, according to Florida Politics.“I resoundingly won, and I’m delighted. They tried to use my sexuality. It was a lot of nonsense. I work hard and that’s what really matters to voters. I advocate for inclusion and diversity.”

Celebrating Commissioner Patty Sheehan Election Win with @CarlosGSmith pic.twitter.com/LKVXA1tHKl

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Originally posted on: https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/11/lesbian-councilwoman-sticks-it-to-ron-desantis-by-hosting-a-drag-show-victory-party/