Lauren Boebert’s district trolls her with Beetlejuice displays & candy touting her “spooky” values

While Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) scrambles to apologize for vaping, groping her date, and flipping off an usher during a performance of Beetlejuice, her local constituents are trolling her this Halloween by putting up Beetlejuice decorations outside of her local offices and offering candy that highlights her “scary” voting record.

The progressive non-profit group Rocky Mountain Values announced that, on Halloween, its supporters will erect Beetlejuice decorations outside of Boebert’s offices in Durango and Pueblo, Colorado as well as a third location in Grand Junction. The decorations include an inflatable sandworm, the multi-colored, carnivorous creature from Tim Burton’s iconic 1988 fim. The group’s members will also hand out candy with custom wrapping that details Boebert’s past votes.

Related: Colorado GOP turns on Lauren Boebert & says her Beetlejuice behavior should cost her reelection

“What she did at Beetlejuice was altogether indefensible,” one state Republican official said.

The wrappers on two “fun-size” chocolate candy bars will read, “YIKES! Lauren Boebert Supports a Plan to GUT Social Security and Medicare,” and “SPOOKY, Lauren Boebert Voted Against Lowering the Cost of Insulin 3 Times.” One black candy packet has a bright orange sticker that says, “BEWARE!!!! Boebert Voted Against Veterans 10 [Times],” an email from Rocky Mountain Values said.

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Subscribe to our Newsletter Three fun-sized candies with costume wrappers touting Boebert's "scary" voting recordRocky Mountain Values Three fun-sized candies with costume wrappers touting Boebert’s “scary” voting record

“Rep. Boebert has a record of voting against veterans benefits, voting against lowering the cost of prescriptions, and supporting a plan to gut Medicare and Social Security,” the group wrote in a recent email. “Rocky Mountain Values is holding her accountable for her SPOOK-tacular record on Halloween.”

Though she initially denied doing anything wrong at the Beetlejuice performance, auditorium camera footage showed that Boebert was indeed vaping, as well as groping and being groped by Quinn Gallagher, the owner of an Aspen bar that holds drag performances. Boebert also took a picture of the cast, which is forbidden by theater rules. After multiple patrons complained about her behavior, she was kicked out. While leaving, she flipped her middle finger at the usher and yelled, “Do you know who I am?”

Meanwhile, Boebert has changed her usual unapologetic and combative political approach. She has gone on an apology tour for her behavior at the theatre and is trying to focus on local issues that matter to her constituents.

“I owe each and every one of you here a deep, heartfelt apology,” she recently said at Lincoln Day Dinner in Archuleta County, the Associated Press reported.

She has also been doing interviews with local newspapers she once said were biased, encouraging conservative groups to do so-called ballot harvesting, something she has “decried as an underhanded Democratic tactic,” and is shifting her speeches to address the local impact of her congressional work rather than her national priorities.

Boebert’s new behavior, though, is proof that she’s feeling a bit scared this spooky season. She barely won her 2022 re-election campaign against Democratic challenger Adam Frisch, securing her victory by just 546 votes. Frisch is running against Boebert again in 2024.

Also, local Republicans haven’t been shy about sharing their desire to run a strong candidate against Boebert in the Republican primary — one who isn’t weighed down with Boebert’s scandals and baggage — in order to decisively defeat Frisch in 2024.

Mesa County Commissioner Cody Davis said of Boebert, “I’ve defended Lauren for [two-and-a-half] years now, hoping that things would improve and she’d become a more effective leader. I think she was about to round that corner, and I was complimentary of that, but what she did at Beetlejuice was altogether indefensible.”

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