Lauren Boebert & colleagues boo reporter for asking speaker nominee about denying the 2020 election

The GOP’s latest nominee for Speaker of the House is Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana, an anti-LGBTQ+ Trumper who supported the former President’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

And even though Johnson was quite vocal about his election denial – posting at the time that he was “proud to lead over 100 of my colleagues in filing an amicus brief to express our concern with the integrity of the 2020 election” – he and the rest of the party apparently believe acknowledging it now is off the table.

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She says the community shouldn’t discriminate against Nazis and white supremacists.

At a recent press conference, ABC reporter Rachel Scott tried to ask Johnson whether he stands by his efforts to overturn the election. Before she could even finish her question, she was met with heckles and boos from the Republican members of Congress flanking Johnson.

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Johnson shook his head in disgust while his colleagues – Lauren Boebert standing front and center among them – drowned out Scott’s voice with anger and laughter, as if mentioning Johnson’s past positions was absolutely ridiculous. One GOP House member, Virginia Foxx of North Carolina, screamed at Scott to “shut up” while Boebert shoved her hand forward in a gesture communicating that Scott should get out of there.

The ordeal ended with Johnson simply responding, “Next question,” refusing to respond.

Reporter: You help lead the effort to overturn the 2020 election results, do you—

Republicans: *boo* shut up

— Acyn (@Acyn) October 25, 2023

Scott later posted on X about what happened.

“I asked the [SIC] Mike Johnson if he stands by his efforts to try to overturn the 2020 election. Members started boo’ing,” Scott wrote. “I also asked if he would support more aid to Ukraine and Irael [SIC]. ‘Go away! Go away!’ one member shouted. ‘We’re not doing any policy tonight,’ Johnson said.”

In the replies, Scott’s followers called the GOP’s response “disgusting” and praised her for showing “courage and integrity” in asking the important questions.

I asked the Mike Johnson if he stands by his efforts to try to overturn the 2020 election.

Members started boo'ing.

I also asked if he would support more aid to Ukraine and Irael.

"Go away! Go away!" one member shouted.

"We’re not doing any policy tonight," Johnson said.

— Rachel Scott (@rachelvscott) October 25, 2023

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