Late night comedians ripped into George Santos after his expulsion

Former Rep. George Santos (R-NY) may have moved on from his political career to make Cameo videos for $200 a pop, but late-night isn’t done with him yet.

On Monday night’s episode of The Tonight Show, host Jimmy Fallon peppered his opening monologue with jokes about the disgraced former congressman, who was expelled from the House of Representatives last Friday.

Related: SNL & John Oliver took parting shots at George Santos after he got kicked out of the House

Bowen Yang performed a parody of “Candle in the Wind” as Santos, while Oliver argued that the out former congressman belongs on reality TV.

“This morning, I stopped by the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and took a photo with the new toy soldier they have guarding it,” Fallon said before cutting to a photo of himself with Santos wearing a toy soldier costume.  

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“I, for one, feel better that Congress is now only filled with completely honest people,” Fallon joked. “Yup, only 114 members of Congress voted to keep George Santos, or as Santos calls them, ‘My OnlyFans.’”

On Jimmy Kimmel Live, the host noted that the House maintenance crew changed the locks on Santos’s office door almost immediately after Friday’s expulsion vote. “How funny would it be if they opened that door today and a hundred purses came tumbling out?” Kimmel said.

Despite being expelled from Congress, legally Santos still has access to the House floor, the dining room, the cloakroom, and the gym. “That won’t be awkward at all. You vote him out and you’re still showering with him. George Santos is basically an ex who still has the key to our apartment.”

On The Daily Show, guest host Charlamagne Tha God was skeptical that changing the locks on Santos’s office door would keep him out. “This guy stole money from a sick service dog. You think he wouldn’t crawl through an air vent?”

Charlamagne joked that he didn’t think Santos should have been expelled. “We were all safer when we knew where this dude was. Now, he could be anywhere. He could be at Nordstrom using your credit card right now.”

The host also suggested that a “large part of why he was kicked out is that he’s gay.”

“Republicans don’t f–k with that gay s–t,” he said. “He could never be a full part of that club. Yes, he was a scam artist that stole and lied, but Republicans are ride-or-die with all kinds of liars and crooks. I’m just saying look at their track record. If you’re LGBT they’ll make you GTFO.”

“It’s one thing to take the nameplate down, but changing the locks that quickly is a real tip of the hat to how shady that guy is,” Seth Meyers joked on NBC’s Late Night. “His last official act was making impressions of his keys in a bar of soap.”

“He was conspicuously silent for a guy who seemed to relish the notoriety he gained,” Meyers continued. “His only statement was a fashion statement. He decided to embody the role of soap opera villain by wearing his overcoat like a Phantom of the Opera cape. Of course, Santos is such a bad conman, if he did wear a Phantom of the Opera mask it would probably just look like the other half of his face.”

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