House Speaker Mike Johnson’s teen son monitors his porn use

Anti-LGBTQ+ House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and his 17-year-old son both monitor one another’s use of pornography, Johnson admitted in a resurfaced clip from 2022 from his speech about the “War on Technology” at Cypress Baptist Church in Benton, Louisiana.

During the talk, Johnson said that he and his son had installed “accountability software” called Covenant Eyes on their electronic devices in order to discourage them from visiting porn websites. Anti-LGBTQ+ activist Josh Duggar of the TLC series 19 Kids and Counting used the same software to monitor his internet use. He is currently in prison for possession of child pornography.

Related: Mike Johnson’s wife removes anti-LGBTQ+ counseling website from the internet

… but the internet always remembers.

“It scans all the activity on your phone, or your devices, your laptop, what have you; we do all of it,” Johnson said.

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“It sends a report to your accountability partner. My accountability partner right now is Jack, my son. He’s 17. So he and I get a report about all the things that are on our phones, all of our devices, once a week,” he continued. “If anything objectionable comes up, your accountability partner gets an immediate notice. I’m proud to tell ya, my son has got a clean slate.”

COMPROMISE ALERT: Speaker Mike Johnson uses software Covenant Eyes (learned about at a Promise Keepers retreat) that scans all his electronic devices & gives a weekly report an "accountability partner" his 17 yr old son (so basically don't watch porn or your son/dad will know

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