Gay Rep. Robert Garcia slams Marjorie Taylor Greene for sharing naked pictures in Congress

After claiming earlier this week that sex ed books in schools are a form of inappropriate “pornographic content,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) held up naked photos of President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden at a House Oversight Committee hearing yesterday, saying “the American people deserve to see” the pictures.

Now out Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) is calling her out for her attempt to humiliate the president’s son by sharing naked pictures of him in public, saying that Republicans only pulled out the naked pictures to cover for the fact that they have no evidence that President Biden did anything wrong.

Related Stories Marjorie Taylor Greene ranted about Joe Biden helping the middle class. He made it into an ad.

Whoops! She probably didn’t see this coming.

At the committee hearing on Wednesday, Greene showed pictures of Hunter Biden naked and allegedly having sex with sex workers. The hearing involved two IRS staffers who accused Hunter Biden of not paying his taxes and the Department of Justice (DOJ) of not prosecuting him for it. Greene said that the DOJ was “politically motivated” and “protecting Joe Biden” by not prosecuting Hunter Biden over the alleged tax issue.

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called the pictures “pornographic” and said that the GOP hit a “new low” by showing those pictures. The images have been shared online by many on the right for months in what many call “revenge porn,” or sharing private, sexual images that were never intended to be made public in order to humiliate someone in those pictures.

Garcia slammed Greene for bringing the naked pictures into a hearing that was ostensibly about alleged tax crimes.

“Today’s hearing is like most of the majority’s investigations and hearings: a lot of allegations, zero proof, no receipts, but apparently some d**k pics,” Garcia said.

“Now, at a certain point, the American people need some actual evidence, actual evidence, but we’ve seen absolutely none,” he continued.

Then he brought up the Trump family’s crimes.

“Now, this is, of course, in stark contrast to the Trump crime family,” he said. “The majority conveniently glazes over the Trump family’s foreign dealings. The Trump family, who, of course, were actually appointed to White House senior jobs, from Ivanka’s Chinese trademarks to Jared’s Qatari real estate bailout and two billion in Saudi private equity money.”

“So where’s that investigation? They were actually in the White House,” he said, a reference to how Hunter Biden doesn’t have a position in the Biden administration.

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