Christians are protesting Disney again. This time they don’t like a cartoon

The religious right astroturf group One Million Moms is full of righteous outrage again this week.

Disney has become the villain du jour for the perpetually outraged organization and this time they’re hyperventilating over… a cartoon.

Firebuds, a show about young first responders and their talking vehicle sidekicks has earned the group’s ire this time because one of the characters has two moms.

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The organization, known for their loony boycotts of television shows and companies that show even slight support of LGBTQ rights, is an astroturf project of the anti-LGBTQ+ hate group American Family Association.

Monica Cole, the sole employee dedicated to the “organization,” breathlessly emailed supporters to tell them about the dangers of animation.

Many parents have already found out that Disney Junior is no longer safe for young children. Now, Disney’s animated series Firebuds has added a same-sex couple to the program. One of the main characters, Violet, has two moms in the Vega-Vaughn family.

The creator of the show, Craig Gerber, tweeted, “After I sold the #firebuds pitch, my 1st detailed show overview included Violet’s 2 moms. Disney gave us 100% full support from day one. Thrilled to be making an inclusive show that reflects the diverse world we live in w/folks who care as much as I do.”

This isn’t the first time a same-sex couple has appeared on Disney Junior. In 2017, two lesbian moms were included in the Doc McStuffins episode titled “Emergency Plan.”

Conservative families will continue to have no choice but to stop watching the Disney Channel network or Disney+ in their homes so they can avoid previews, commercials, and reruns. Families will be unable to allow Disney in their homes since the network continually veers away from family-friendly content.

1MM is so concerned with the normalization of a sinful lifestyle choice during a children’s animated show designed for preschoolers. This type of sexuality should never be included in a children’s cartoon, much less praised.

Discussion of such controversial topics should be left up to parents. Disney should not introduce this information to young children. Therefore, Disney should stick to entertaining and providing family-friendly programming instead of pushing an agenda.

Cole does not mention that, when it comes to “pushing an agenda,” her employer is a hate group dedicated to persecuting LGBTQ+ people.

The group also put up a petition on their website where users can promise to avoid supporting the company because of the cartoon.

I am outraged that Disney Junior is using the children’s cartoon Firebuds to promote same-sex marriage. It is offensive to me and my family that Disney is glorifying the homosexual lifestyle. Until Disney agrees to no longer air episodes of Firebuds that include same-sex couples such as Violet’s two moms or any other LGBTQ content, conservative families (including my own) will continue to avoid watching Disney, including network shows, previews, commercials, and reruns. Please cancel this controversial content immediately. Your company will not have my support or business as long as you continue to veer away from family-friendly entertainment. AdBridg.cmd.push(function() { AdBridg.display("div-gpt-ad-outstreamplayer"); });

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