Caitlyn Jenner tried to show how proud she is to use the R-word. She failed miserably.

Caitlyn Jenner is getting roundly mocked on social media for misspelling an offensive term used to refer to people with mental disabilities.

On Wednesday, the former Olympian shamelessly attempted to use the word “re****ed” in response to an X post by Donald Trump Jr. about the Biden administration’s four-month extension of a sanctions waiver allowing Iraq to access electricity from Iran.

Related: Caitlyn Jenner: Trans people don’t like me “because I’m white, I have a job”

The former Olympian dismissed her critics with the incendiary comment in a new interview.

“I know you’re not allowed to use the R word that was a big part of our vernacular growing up if you’re my age, but there has to be exceptions, right???” Trump Jr. wrote, describing the development as “f&$king re$?&;ed!”

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“I’ll say it RETARTED,” she responded, misspelling the word.

I’ll say it RETARTED!

— Caitlyn Jenner (@Caitlyn_Jenner) November 15, 2023

The actual word Trump Jr. was referring to evolved over the decades from a medical term beginning in the 1960s to a schoolyard taunt. More recently, it has come to be considered an unacceptable slur, its pejorative use having negative and dehumanizing connotations for people with mental disabilities.

Jenner’s cynical attempt at trollishness backfired, however, as many X users proceeded to mock her, noting the irony of misspelling a word has been used to belittle people for stupidity.

“Misspelling that word specifically is so goddamn funny,” one user commented.

“Learn how to spell it first, maybe?” someone wrote.

“I give you a D in spelling,” another wrote.

“Caitlyn learn to spell,” another user commented. “Damn. Ur embarrassing to the Transgender Community as it is.”

Other users made transphobic comments and misgendered Jenner.

Undeterred, Jenner corrected her mistake, spelling the slur correctly in a subsequent comment.

“Omg I immediately respelled it properly in the comments epic ironic fail, I get it,” she wrote in another post.

After Page Six reported on Jenner’s posts this morning, she went on an epic rant blasting the gossip outlet on X and pointedly using the term throughout.

“It’s RE****ED that the Biden admin frees up another $10 BILLION to IRAN! And losers at @PageSix go on to lecture me about how offensive the word is. GET THE HELL OVER IT. How about focusing on how dangerous and RE****ED freeing up $10 BILLION to Iran is,” she wrote.

As the Associated Press notes, critics claim that the sanctions waiver, which will give Iran limited access to $10 billion in payments from Iraq, will potentially allow the country to use domestic revenue to fund Hamas and Hezbollah. Jenner accused Page Six of not reaching out to her for comment before publishing and of “anti-Semitic pro Iranian propaganda.”  

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