Angry Christian parents attack school counselor who supported their lesbian daughter

Hundreds of angry parents turned up at a Kentucky school board meeting Monday night demanding justice for the conservative Christian parents of a student who confided in a school counselor that she was gay.

A complaint filed with the Anderson County School Board by lawyers for Brad and Stacey Briscoe claims their 17-year-old daughter entered into a romantic relationship with another female student in late 2022 without their consent. The teen shared her situation with the counselor, who encouraged the relationship, according to the complaint.

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Several personal friends of the new speaker and his wife came to their defense. It’s not helping.

The Briscoes characterize the counselor’s failure to inform them of their daughter’s homosexuality as “seriously harmful” and a violation of the Code of Ethics of the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board.

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In February, the teen confessed to her parents that she and her classmate were in a romantic relationship.

The Briscoes expressed to the girl their “strong opposition to homosexuality, which was based upon convictions derived from their Christian faith,” the complaint reads.

Not only did the parents object to the relationship on moral grounds, the complaint states, they faulted the teen for deceiving them. They suspended her driving privileges and forbade further contact between their daughter and her girlfriend.

The complaint asserts the daughter’s punishment was the result of her dishonesty, not her sexuality, despite forbidding contact between the two girls.

The parents allege not only did the counselor encourage the homosexual relationship, she entered into a conspiracy with their daughter to entrap them into making statements that could be described as “emotional abuse” in an effort to ask a court for legal emancipation.

The complaint says the counselor directed the girl to surreptitiously record family discussions and provoke her parents into abusive behavior.

The complaint also faults the counselor’s supervisor, school Superintendent Sheila Mitchell, for inappropriately conducting an “investigation” of the counselor that did not hold her accountable for multiple alleged violations of the code of ethics.

“This school employee and that superintendent, their actions should not and cannot be allowed to stand,” Brad Briscoe told the board at Monday night’s meeting, reported by the Kentucky Herald-Leader.

Anderson County resident Marty Terry spoke for the hundreds of angry residents gathered in support of the Christian parents when he asked, “What will it take for all of you to have the moral courage to stand up for the Briscoe family, or at least protect the child? Does anyone here have faith in the superintendent and the swamp that is the Anderson County school system?”

The district is not commenting on the case, citing privacy laws.

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