Alex Jones worried he’d die as his wife beat him bloody in front of their kid on Christmas Eve

The wife of hateful conspiracy monger Alex Jones apparently tried to kill him on Christmas Eve, according to police records following reports of her arrest. Jones told police the attack made him “fear for his life.”

His wife, 43-year-old Erika Wulff Jones, struck Alex Jones 20 times over the head with numerous items including her open and closed hands, a shampoo bottle and a five-pound stone ball, police said. Shampoo from the bottle got into Alex Jones’ eyes, causing burning. The attack left his hair “wet” and “red” with what might have been blood.

Related: Alex Jones’ denial that he watches trans adult movies on his phone is hilarious

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The abuse began while the couple was bathing their child. His wife then accused him of cheating on her. Police said they smelled alcohol on her breath. She reportedly refused to go to jail, broke free of her handcuffs and then began “swing[ing] her fists and kicking” police officers.

When initial reports of the domestic abuse surfaced, Alex Jones told the Associated Press, “It’s a private family matter that happened on Christmas Eve. I love my wife and care about her and it appears to be some kind of medication imbalance.”

He added that his wife’s arrest “doesn’t concern my politics” and that “it wasn’t some kind of personal hateful thing or anything.”

However, Alex Jones discussed the incident on the Monday edition of his conspiracy theory web show InfoWars. He said he was the one who called police, and that her attack occurred when she mixed up medication prescribed to her after a recent surgery.

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“So that’s what happens when someone has a chemical imbalance after surgery and the medication they had mixes together,” he said, “and they literally go to cuckoo world, cloud cuckoo.”

His wife spent Christmas in jail and was released on Sunday morning.

On Alex Jones’ InfoWars, he spouts completely untrue conspiracy theories that have led to violent threats against innocent people. He has also repeatedly used his platform to vilify LGBTQ identities. For example, he has called the transgender rights movement a secret Deep State plot to give civil rights to cyborgs and humanoids and allow people to have sex with their cars.

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