Alex Jones accuses Joe Biden of using “weather weapons” to spawn deadly tornado outbreak

Serial con artist and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is at it again and it’s a whopper this time. He’s painting President Joe Biden with a brush normally reserved for LGBTQ people: causing natural disasters.

While Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene ranted about Jewish space lasers that she says caused California’s wildfires, Jones took the same basic idea and made it his own. He accused Biden of using “weather weapons” to spawn a deadly tornado outbreak.

Related: Ted Cruz just picked a fight with Big Bird on Twitter. He lost.

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While evangelicals and hate groups leaders have regularly jumped on natural disasters to try to pin the blame on LGBTQ people’s “godless lifestyle,” the new MAGA Republicans are upping the drama by introducing technology to the mix. Suddenly the plot of an over-the-top spy novel is jumping off the page and into politics.

“So, they just think you’re stupid and they don’t want you knowing they are doing all of this,” Jone says before elaborating, “and they’ve got carbon systems they are putting in, that big, huge geoengineering systems, terraforming systems that are sucking carbon dioxide out of the air when it’s a trace gas that we need, and was hundreds of times higher millions of years ago than it is now. That’s why plants and animals were so much bigger and healthier. But we’ve adapted to live in less air.”

“This is insane, ladies and gentlemen.”

“OK, so the question is did Biden last February, this year, order the power turned off in Texas. They did officially; they wouldn’t let them up the power. Now, we know that. So the question is did they use weather weapons to cause the tornadoes? That’s a legitimate question to ask.”

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64 people were killed in Kentucky alone with over 100 still missing after the weekend’s horrific extreme weather. Biden will travel to the state later this week to inspect the damage and console survivors.

Texas lost electricity across the state during a winter storm earlier this year due to years of neglect of the electrical system under Republican governance. In response, the Texas legislature spent more time debating the rights of transgender people than it did on fixing the broken electrical grid.

In May 1978, Anita Bryant, Florida Orange Juice queen and chief organizer of the “Save Our Children” campaign to overturn a gay rights ordinance in Dade County, called homosexuals “human garbage” and blamed the drought then overtaking California on their “sinful behavior.” Ironically, just one day following the election of the first openly gay San Francisco City Supervisor, Harvey Milk, it started to rain.

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