Activists just put Montana’s anti-LGBTQ+ governor in drag

Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte is the latest anti-LGBTQ+ Republican to be turned into a fierce drag queen by Instagram account Rupublicans.

The satirical account creates AI-generated images of everyone from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to the allegedly rampantly corrupt Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas dolled up in drag. Recent additions have included former Fox News host Tucker Carlson (a.k.a. Miss Glitzy Mothuh Tuckuh) and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) (a.k.a. Miss Tex-ass Abbottina).

Related Stories This Instagram account is turning anti-LGBTQ+ Republicans into drag queens

They really don’t deserve to look this good.

On Thursday, the anonymous user behind Rupublicans revealed—or ru-vealed—their latest victim.

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“Please raise a middle finger for Miss Montina Abortina,” the post’s caption reads. “This glacier glamazon and her goons are so numerous with uterus legislation that it makes our ovaries roll their eyes. How about shifting your focus from our hoo-has to perfecting that contour game, gurl? Next thing you know, she’ll want to ban drag story hour — oh wait, she does! Impolite!”

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Over the past few years, Gianforte has signed anti-LGBTQ+ bills, including one allowing religious exemptions to the state’s anti-discrimination laws that critics say could allow businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people. Two others, signed by Gianforte in May 2021, banned trans youth from participating in school sports teams that correspond with their gender and limited instruction on “human sexuality” in schools.

Gianforte signed into law a bill that outlaws gender affirming-care for young people just last Friday, despite the governor’s own nonbinary child, 32-year-old David Gianforte, personally lobbying their father not to sign the bill.

This week, Montana lawmakers also passed a bill that would ban drag queen story hour events, and Gianforte could sign that into law soon.

Rupublicans’ Gianforte post doesn’t just read the lawmaker for filth; it’s also benefitting the American Civil Liberties Union of Montana’s efforts to fight the state’s anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice laws.

“We know ya’ll just got paid, so bust out some bills!” the caption reads, directing fans to a link in the account’s bio where they can donate. “If everyone who follows this account gives $3 we could make a big statement.”

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