
The Vision

A one-stop platform, Free from commercial manipulation, serving LGBTQ needs, by the Community!

My Story

I read a research report at the start of 2018 documenting suicide rates and suicide ideation among our alternative lifestyle youth recorded as significantly higher than the general youth population. It went on to disclose a Global number of suicide attempts which were again, significantly higher for the LBGTQ group when compared to teens and young adults of the general population. This really affected me.

This article produced evidence in the form of scientific research which showed heterocentric cultures institutionalizing homophobia. These societies actually expressed the use of rights and protection for LGBTQ people as a political wedge, with an objective to halt the establishment of same-sex marriage.

What’s worse is that depression and drug use among the LGBTQ community have been shown to increase significantly after new laws that discriminate against LGBTQ people are passed. Conversely, an American study revealed that the establishment of same-sex marriage is associated with a significant reduction in the rate of attempted suicide among youth of a minority sexual orientation (LGB youth), resulting in approximately a quarter million fewer children attempting suicide each year in the United States!

Bullying of LGB youth has been shown to be a contributing factor in many suicides, even if not all of the attacks have been specifically addressing sexuality or gender. So, a few years ago, I registered this domain with a vision of being the Go-To site for all things related to an alternative lifestyle. Then of course, life always gets in the way of our dreams and goals doesn’t it?

Well, after half a year of procrastinating, I’ve finally put this site together. It’s raw, a mere skeleton at the minute. However, together, we can really achieve the vision.

I’d like the Global LGBTQ Community to work together and build this one-stop platform. From events & activities to providing a knowledge base of articles where more senior members of the community could share some of their experiences, tips and tricks of dealing with challenging situations.

Key to the vision is keeping the site free from all aspects of advertising. The last thing I wanted was to see some content shoved down the community’s throats just because we’d make a couple of dollars…

The Community

So, how can you contribute? Well, we’ll need writers, domain administrators, function builders, contributors, advocates, growth hackers, community managers, etc. The list goes on and on. Simply apply with your interest and after confirming a few things, you’ll be invited to join the back of the house here are LGBT-SEA. It doesn’t pay financially because if we did that, we’ll have to start monetizing the site and that’s the last thing on my list!